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Verona, WI 53593

Telephone: (608) 845-9401

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Fire Hydrant Snow Removal

Monday, February 15, 2021

Fire Hydrant Snow Removal

(Article F: Sec. 5-5-81(b))

(1) All property owners that have fire hydrants located on their property, or adjacent road right-of-way, shall remove all snow and ice from a 2-foot radius around each fire hydrant. The said radius shall be cleared within a 24-hour period from the last snowfall.

(2) Any property which is found to be noncompliant shall have, at the option of the City, such snow and ice removed, and a charge for not less than $50 per hydrant billed to them. Any outstanding bill amount and accrued interest will be placed onto the tax roll as a charge against the real estate, due and payable to the City as any other non-installment assessment is payable.

(3) Should a property owner be unable to perform their snow removal responsibilities, it shall be their responsibility to hire or enlist the help of others to ensure that the hydrant is clear from snow and ice obstruction. The property owner may call the Verona Fire Department to avoid being fined if all options to remove the snow have been exhausted.

(4) In instances where a fire hydrant is located on a lot line, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to the north or to the east to ensure that the hydrant is free from snow and ice. 

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