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101 Lincoln Street
Verona, WI 53593

Telephone: (608) 845-9401

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

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Verona Fire Department Begins 24 Hour Duty Crew - Verona, WI

Sunday, July 8, 2018
With filling the third full-time Firefighter/Inspectors position which also serves as the Driver/Operators the three full-time Firefighter/Inspectors have been moved to 24 hour shifts the same as the Lieutenants were in 2015. The Verona Fire Department is now staffed with a full-time Lieutenant and Driver/Operator as well as one part-time Firefighter and one Intern overnight. Most nights this gives us a full crew of four with the exception that one shift does not have an Intern until we hire the new Interns this summer at which time all three shifts will have an Intern assigned to it. This level of staffing will allow rapid response to all calls for service for the Verona Fire Department improving our response time 24 hours a day.

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