
Make a donation to the Verona Fire Department and help us to continue helping our community!

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Contact Info

Emergency Dial 9.1.1

101 Lincoln Street
Verona, WI 53593

Telephone: (608) 845-9401

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

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Mission, Vision, & Values

Mission Statement: The mission of the Verona Fire Department is to save lives and protect property through emergency medical service, fire and rescue response and fire prevention. We respond immediately when any member of our community needs help with professional, effective and compassionate service. 

Vision or Motto: "Working for a safer tomorrow…"

Core Values:
Core values are essential and enduring tenets, a set of general guiding principles, not to be compromised for short-term expediency.

In order to accomplish its mission with the highest degree of professionalism, integrity, efficiency and service to the community, the Verona Fire Department has identified the following core values:

Dedication: "Serve our community and department to the best of our ability".
Team: "A group of individuals striving to reach common goals".
Integrity: "Community partnerships based on trust, respect, and accountability through service".
Professional: "Consistently demonstrate a high standard".
Leadership: "Providing guidance and support throughout community and department".
Tradition: "Preserving and carrying forward the legacy of those who served before us".